God is still writing history

God is still writing history.

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For centuries, God has used leaders like you to fuel great revivals. We call them Gospel Patrons.

gos • pel pa • tron, noun

  • a person God raises up to partner with ministry leaders
  • someone who supports those on the front lines of gospel ministry
  • the supply line for the spread of the gospel
2,000 years ago

Jesus had Gospel Patrons

During Jesus’ three years of public ministry, the Bible tells us he and his disciples were mainly funded by the support of three women: “Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”

Luke 8:2-3

Three Middle Eastern women. Text and cutline doesn't say who the women are, just they are faithful to Jesus. They may be the three Marys at the cross: Mary (mother of Jesus), Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleofas. Illustration published in The Life of Christ by Louise Seymour Houghton (American Tract Society: New York) in 1890. Copyright expired; artwork is in Public Domain. Digitally restored. 2024/04/iStock-1299672788.jpg
1,965 years ago

Paul had Gospel Patrons

The apostle Paul found support for his ministry from a woman he named as his patron: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae, that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many and of myself as well.”

Romans 16:1-2

Paul gives Phoebe the letter to the Roman christians. (Romans, Chapter 16). Wood engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published in 1877. 2024/04/GettyImages-184912219.jpg
500 years ago

William Tyndale &
Humphrey Monmouth

The only reason we have the Bible in English today is that God raised up a young scholar named William Tyndale to translate it and a wealthy cloth merchant named Humphrey Monmouth to fund it. In 1526, they printed the first 3,000 English New Testaments and smuggled them back into England.


UNSPECIFIED - CIRCA 1800: William Tyndale,1494-1536. Bible translator and reformer From the painting by Alexander Johnston.. (Photo by Universal History Archive/Getty Images) 2024/04/GettyImages-113626208.jpg
250 years ago

George Whitefield &
Lady Huntingdon

Behind the Great Awakening in the 18th century was a wealthy aristocratic lady who partnered with England’s greatest evangelist. Lady Huntingdon provided a platform for Whitefield to speak to the influencers of their day as well as the funding to proclaim Jesus to millions across England and America.


ADEKXM George Whitefield preaching in Moorfields London 1742. Hand-colored woodcut 2024/04/ADEKXM.jpg
Engraving from 1885 featuring Selina Hastings who was a religious leader and Methodist from England.  She lived from 1707 until 1791. 2024/04/iStock-475672084.jpg
200 years ago

John Newton &
John Thornton

We’re still singing “Amazing Grace” today, but few have heard the story of the wealthy British businessman who made it happen. John Thornton pursued a friendship with John Newton, funded his ministry in London, and propelled his hymns into the world.


FREK5M Thomas Gainsborough - Portrait of John Thornton, Esq. 2024/04/FREK5M.jpg

The Book

After meeting a British businessman, John Rinehart was inspired to research the stories of Christian business leaders who were strategically engaged in great movements of God. His dedicated work was funded by a Gospel Patron from his church and together they launched the book Gospel Patrons into the world.


The Ministry

Thousands of books sold and invitations began to swell for John Rinehart to speak at events and conferences. God was using this message to powerfully touch people’s lives around the world, and it was time to build a team of people to carry this message in fresh ways. Thus, the ministry of Gospel Patrons was born.


God is still writing history and you have a part to play.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

People whose generosity changed the world.

Behind great movements of God stand a few generous men and women called Gospel Patrons. These books tell stories about business leaders who were behind the scenes fueling amazing works of God.

Gospel Patrons is an invitation to believe that God is not done writing history, and he’s prepared a part for you to play.


John Rinehart, Author of Gospel Patrons




5¾″ x 8¾″


Finch Fine Soft White





People whose generosity changed the world.


were made for a unique calling.


Have you ever wondered how your gifts as a business person fit within God’s kingdom?

We’ve interviewed a variety of successful business leaders and found you’re not alone. Called to Business is a 12-part video series we created to help you:

  • Connect your career to your calling
  • Learn from other Christian business leaders
  • Discover the joy of finding your part to play

What you do with your life will matter for eternity.

Hear from other leaders who are learning to step into the calling of a Gospel Patron.

“My personal relationship with God means my life is now deeply meaningful instead of meaningless.”
Shay Owode

Pension Consultant

"When I was 21 years-old I received an inheritance in the form of a stock portfolio. This incredible gift launched me into unexpected adventures."
Kate Gardner


"The generosity of God is not just one of his many facets or attributes, it is the essence of who he is, woven into the very fabric of his character."
James Sudarsono

Real Estate Developer

"Nothing on this earth is worth more than treasure in heaven. I hope to store up more treasure for eternity than I store up here."
Susan Peterson


"There is a profound joy to being more holistically involved with the individuals and ministries one supports financially."
Simon Pillar

Private Equity Partner

“My personal relationship with God means my life is now deeply meaningful instead of meaningless.”
Shay Owode

Pension Consultant

"When I was 21 years-old I received an inheritance in the form of a stock portfolio. This incredible gift launched me into unexpected adventures."
Kate Gardner


"The generosity of God is not just one of his many facets or attributes, it is the essence of who he is, woven into the very fabric of his character."
James Sudarsono

Real Estate Developer

"Nothing on this earth is worth more than treasure in heaven. I hope to store up more treasure for eternity than I store up here."
Susan Peterson


"There is a profound joy to being more holistically involved with the individuals and ministries one supports financially."
Simon Pillar

Private Equity Partner

“My personal relationship with God means my life is now deeply meaningful instead of meaningless.”
Shay Owode

Pension Consultant

"When I was 21 years-old I received an inheritance in the form of a stock portfolio. This incredible gift launched me into unexpected adventures."
Kate Gardner


"The generosity of God is not just one of his many facets or attributes, it is the essence of who he is, woven into the very fabric of his character."
James Sudarsono

Real Estate Developer

"Nothing on this earth is worth more than treasure in heaven. I hope to store up more treasure for eternity than I store up here."
Susan Peterson


"There is a profound joy to being more holistically involved with the individuals and ministries one supports financially."
Simon Pillar

Private Equity Partner

Dive into our media library

Watch short films and interviews produced by Gospel Patrons along with messages from our founder, John Rinehart.
